Lincoln 2016 Prayer Petition launched by United Cry DC16

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Christians in the United States asked to sign United Cry’s Prayer Petition to pray for America. United Cry DC16 asks pastors, Christian leaders and believers to join in national pray for America on April 9, 2016 at the Lincoln Memorial.

Arlington, TX (PRWEB) March 30, 2016

On March 30, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln signed the Prayer Proclamation calling for a national day of prayer and fasting to help heal the wounds of a divided country. The wording from Lincoln’s proclamation is from another time, but the problems it addresses, national conflict, division, ingratitude and unchecked ego, could have come from today’s headlines.

Recognizing the relevance of Lincoln’s “National Prayer Proclamation”,United Cry DC16 has launched a 2016 version of Lincoln’s Prayer Proclamation and asking Christians to agree to pray for America. The United Cry Prayer Proclamation will be presented on April 9, 2016 at United Cry DC16 gathering at the Lincoln Memorial. "We are asking pastors to help lead their communities in prayer and service," explains Lewis Hogan, Co-founder United Cry. "United Cry is time to pray in love and humility for America. We believe that a united church can help heal our nation."

United Cry DC16 is a nationwide gathering of pastors and believers to pray for the healing and future of America. The goal of United Cry and the United Cry Prayer Proclamation reflect the 1863 proclamation, “that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high . . .and the restoration of our now divided and suffering Country, to its former happy condition of unity and peace.”

The seven hour prayer event includes over 150 leaders from multiple denominations, cultures and regions. They include Ronny Floyd, Jim Garlow, Anne Graham Lotz, Harry Jackson, Jonathan Cahn, Sammy Rodriguez, Tony Perkins, Dick Eastman, Michael Brown, Larry Tomzcak, Paul Cole, E.W. Jackson, Dave Butts, Lawrence White, Doug Stringer, Kaye Horner, James Bradford, Jerry Machlan, Will Ford, Bobby Schuller, Dan Fischer, Rick Curry, Bob Rodgers, Matt Lockett, Mario Bramnick, Dan Cummins and others. The 7-hour prayer gathering will ask God for forgiveness, spiritual awakening, and declare the United States is “One Nation, Under God.”

All Christian pastors, leaders, and believers are invited to join national Christian leaders to lift a United Cry together at this historic, multi-ethnic, multi-generational, gathering on April 9, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The event is free but registration required. Register now at

To sign the United Cry Prayer Proclamation

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