Communicating with God through prayer

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Turning to God in prayer disposes our souls to receive God’s grace and blessings. Prayer brings with it many benefits. In prayer we can get in touch with our deepest inner selves and allow God to bless us with his grace.

Prayer is the means by which we can grow in faith. Through prayer we obtain the graces we need in order to grow in virtue. Prayer is the best self-care, but prayer is not easy. Those with any experience in the matter know there are times when prayer is actually arduous and full of distractions.

Although prayer can be lofty and enjoyable, it can come with some hurdles attached. Our minds are prone to wander. We have busy lives and often our duties and obligations place restrictions on our time and mental focus.

Jesus Christ prayed in the most difficult of circumstances. Before his passion and death, he was in the garden of Gethsemane with his disciples.

He anticipated his coming sufferings. He could see in his mind the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the cruel beatings and the ultimate of tortuous death – crucifixion.

He prayed to the Father to ask if there was another way. But he said in the same prayer, “not my will but yours be done.”

He was praying during the calm of the storm. This example from sacred scripture is a reminder and an encouragement.

God not only hears our prayers but will give us the grace to face the storms that life throws our way.

Prayer can be difficult. Go ahead and pray anyway. Difficult prayer is humbling. As we are humbled by our weakness, we realize how much we need God’s help.

If we are doing it in good faith, God will hear our prayers and will answer it in the way best suited for our growth.

“What father would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish?” (Matthew 7:10)

What if you are praying and unwanted thoughts crowd your mind? First, don’t fret. Next, gently refocus your attention on God. If you need an aid, try using a picture of Jesus, or a cross or crucifix.

Focus your attention on the object which represents God. Use your sense of sight to focus your mind. Look beyond the object to the one to whom you wish to speak.

Finally, if prayer was always easy we would not benefit as much. With testing comes fortitude. The test of faith is to love God even when we are in the midst of the storm.

Remember the words of Jesus: “Thy will be done.”

Imitate his difficult prayer in the garden. Remember that Jesus was preparing to give his life as an acceptable offering to the Father for our salvation – the ultimate proof of God’s love for us.