Franklin Graham: Prayer More Critical Than Labels This Election Year

Franklin Graham: Prayer More Critical Than Labels This Election Year

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“If we pray, I think God just may give us favor,” Franklin Graham said. “He may hear from heaven, and He may help us turn this country around.”

"Evangelical used to mean a person who believed in the Scriptures, the Bible, to be God’s Word, but believed in telling others, evangelizing and telling others," Franklin Graham told FOX News’ Fox & Friends on Wednesday.

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"But yet I think that word is misused a lot today. A lot of people call themselves that, and I’m not sure what they are."

But while society might have a broader take on an old term, one thing America can’t do is redefine God. And that’s why Franklin Graham is urging Christians to focus less on the labels – particularly Democrat or Republican – and more on seeking God’s face this election year. Through his 50-state Decision America Tour, Franklin Graham is encouraging followers of Christ to not only pray but to engage politically.

Tens of thousands have already turned out during the first two months of the tour at rallies in Florida, Louisiana, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Atlanta and Hawaii-to pray for our nation.

To date, more than half of the schedule has been announced, including the six dates for June and July, which were released yesterday. At every stop, Franklin Graham is encouraging Christians to stand for God and our country.

On Wednesday, Franklin Graham appeared on three news shows – Fox &Friends, CNN’s Newsroom and Fox Business New’s Varney & Co. He discussed his ongoing prayer rallies, but also addressed the question of the evangelical voter.

Franklin Graham offered his take, although he was quick to point out that he is not endorsing any candidates this year. He acknowledged the frustration of Americans nationwide.

"I’m not supporting any candidates, and I’m staying out of the race," Graham told FOX Business News Varney & Co, adding that "the evangelicals are wanting a strong leader.

"They want someone who holds to biblical values. They’re looking for someone who has biblical values, but when it comes to politics, it’s hard to find those."

Change is possible-but only with prayer. Christians need to start lifting up the country-per 2 Chronicles 7:14. But in addition, Franklin Graham told CNN’s Carol Costella, it’s time for Christians to start doing something.

"I think it’s their responsibility, it’s their duty to vote and to be involved in the political process," Franklin Graham told Costella.

But Christians have to engage with a praying mindset.

"If we pray, I think God just may give us favor," Franklin Graham said. "He may hear from heaven, and He may help us turn this country around."

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(c) Billy Graham Evangelistic Association